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Equine Assisted Learning

Equine Assisted Learning is considered a form of experiential learning, in which the person learns a social skill or life skill through working with horses. EAL promotes the development of self-awareness, self-esteem and confidence, problem solving skills, emotional regulation, and self-control. While an EAL experience is educational and beneficial to one’s wellness, it is not considered therapy. The individuals who facilitate an EAL lesson are not licensed mental health professionals, but are credentialed through other agencies, such as PATH International, to work with individuals and horses.


Equine Assisted Learning: Private Class


Participants are paired with a PATH, Intl. certified Equine Specialist who designs lessons based on the participant's social and/or emotional needs and centers that lesson around horsemanship skills. Participants are engaged in a private, hour long, self-discovery type activity using the equine and horsemanship skills to build life skills such as confidence, leadership, self-advocacy, etc. If applicable, goals and objectives are aligned to outside counseling goals, IEPs or 504 plans.


One session runs for six weeks, but participants can do multiple sessions.



​Operation Unbridled


This program is designed for those who are past or present military, police or fire personnel. Operation Unbridled offers a time of camaraderie where participants can learn and hone the art of horsemanship. PATH Intl. Certified Instructors and well-trained horses will provide a unique outdoor equine centered activity that is offered in a welcoming and relaxed environment. Those participating in Operation Unbridled may choose to attend for differing reasons such as: discovering a new hobby, decompressing from the job or reconnecting with horse related activities.

Operation Unbridled is a groundwork only program that focuses on teaching safe, quality horse handling skills ranging from grooming and leading through trail course obstacles to ‘desensitizing’ horses to various objects. As horses are innately responsive to body language and tone of voice, participants will also practice verbal and non-verbal communication with their equine team member. 



​Family H.E.R.D.


Honor. Emotion. Respect. Devotion.

Enjoy a unique, fun horse experience with the entire family*. Spend quality time together while interacting with horses and learning horsemanship skills in an unplugged environment. Create lasting memories by exploring family dynamics through the eyes of a horse. No prior horse experience needed. 


Discover the various Family H.E.R.D. programs HERE.


*  Children must be 7+ years old

    Suitable for small or large families, and extended family members



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